April 17, 2016

Sunny Sunday

When Kira woke up from her nap this afternoon it felt like summer!  Max had a very poiant conversation with his buddy Amari.

Max: Hey Amari!  Did you get that gray Gatorade from Target?
Amari: (shoulder shrug)
Max: Yeah!  I saw that Gatorade at Target I was gonna get it for my dad.

"Mommy I am so happy I saw the ice cream truck!"

Max has been taking about the Lion King all weekend!  We watched the Disney movie today but he was a bit disappointed that there were not "real people with face paint" in it.  His favorite part is when Scar pushes Mufasa off a cliff.  If you saw Max this weekend he probably told you that and/or asked you to participate in a Mufasa death scene reenactment.  In the cartoon version his favorite part is when Simba transforms from a cub to a lion.  Max went crazy when Simba got "a beard [mane] like his daddy!"  

Kira watched a few minutes of the movie but she wanted to go outside to play

The playground is this way, mom!

Kira climbed the stairs to the big slide all by herself!  She may not love to walk but she loves to climb!

Kira was so excited to see Max when he woke up at 8am!!!!!!!

Kira slept until nearly 7am and was all smiles, but her little grin (and entire crib!) was plastered with throw up!  The time and cause remain a mystery but Kira was a-ok all day!  Nothing a morning bath can't fix!

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