January 8, 2015

Freezing cold day

It was beyond freezing this morning so Max went to school late.  Although he did not stay home like all the lucky public school kids, he did have lots of extra play time in this morning.  ESPN was on when he turned on the television this morning and this is how our conversation (aka- Max's monologue) went:

Max: Mommy this is my favorite, football, because I'm a boy.  Mommy, you don't like football because you're a girl.  I like football, Max likes football, daddy likes football because we're a boy.  Mommy is a girl and Kira is a girl you don't watch football.  

Mommy: So do you want to watch this [football] or Elmo?

Max: Elmo

Also humorous this morning:

Max: Stop talking to me
Mommy: But I like talking to you
Max: You're only talking to me because I have poo-poo in there
(He was right)

It's ok, Kira, you can get a lollipop after your haircut.  Please don't hold your breath for that, sweet Kira.

Smiles for yummy snow and dinosaurs at school.  Max has been bringing his stuffed pal to school to help him with the withdrawal jitters from coming off a two-week winter break.

Tummy time is ok...

 ...but couch time is better!

Since Max went to school late he had plenty of time to drop mommy off at her school (his playhouse) and go to work in his car.  "See you soon!" he said as he slammed the plastic playhouse door shut.  

All smiles all morning 

Max got the hiccups during breakfast and mommy told him to eat to make them go away.  Turns out they were contagious, so Max reminded mommy, "if you eat your food you will be all better".

Max has been doing A LOT better going to sleep at night, thanks to a new [earlier] bedtime, tough love and super-strict routines.  For some reason tonight was a bit askew and he wound up having a few night caps in bed.  The Max Cam view was looking very hopeful until 8:00pm [!!!!!] when the FedEx truck rolled up to our house a al a 747.  Needless to say Max woke up.  No sound machine could mask the sound of Godzilla knocking at your door.  Max is trying so very hard to put himself back to sleep and stay in bed, going as far to remake his bed while following the rules remaining in it.