October 31, 2015

Minnie and Max

Minnie Kira and Fireman Max went treat seeking at the Town Center this afternoon.  Last year this event was the week before Halloween; Kira was not even born yet.  This year Kira got to join in the fun and try candy for the first time. Her favorite (aka: the only type she was offered) candy are lollipops.  

Then (one less child) and now (twice as much candy!!!!)

Kira was just three days old and so tiny last Halloween.  She is so much bigger now, but she will always be a little pumpkin.

Best shot of brother and sister! 

Max was in a hurry to get himself trapped in the landscaping.  Mission completion! (As his Little Einsteins would say)

Kira took a nap after 'treating' and when she woke up she was sitting up!  She was less then thrilled about this milestone, or perhaps she was experiencing lollipop withdrawal. 

Getting ready for round two of 'treating' with Cecelia

Halloween trick-or-treat crew for life!  Max wore the complete fireman ensemble earlier, but for the evening 'treat' session he opted for a more casual look.  It also included a Target bag in lieu of a pumpkin, but that was short lived.  Thank goodness.

Hi five, doc!

Kira could not give up her lollipop to get a treat at the next house.  

...nor could she give it up for dinner.  

The highlight of Max's day was handing out treats.  He had never done that before and he was giddy with excitement every time he had the chance to dole out candy for trick-or-treaters.  At one point he suggested giving them shorts and shirts instead of candy.  He certainly has enough to spare, so it was not the worst idea.  The treat seekers might not have loved it, so we stuck to candy.

October 30, 2015

Max on parade

Kira got to play hookie today with Grandma Barbara who is visiting from Florida.  Do not tell Max!  He had enough on his mind this morning trying to decide what Halloween persona he was going to adopt for his school Halloween parade, so he brought two.  He was revealed to be an astronaut (repeat from last year) during the parade and came barreling down the route and straight into mommy's arms, where he remained for the rest of the parade.  After the parade, we all went to Max's class party, where once again, Kira looked way too grown up sitting in a real chair.  

Kira had a great time playing with grandma all day!

He has two fireman outfits at home, but he went with a classic from last year

What a shot of Max at the Fall Festival

Moon rover 

Max loves parades, so when he heard he was going to be in one he asked if he was going to be driven in a car.  

These two love their snacks!

Max only ate his dinner so he could hide and surprise Kira after.  Win-win- Smiles and full bellies!

Back seat cam 

October 28, 2015

A year of Kira!

Today marks a full year of pure sunshine and smiles from the most perfect baby girl!  Kira is one!

Kira loves her cake, but it certainly was not the first cake of her life...or of her day.  
As much as she loves sweets (like her mom!), she also devours veggie pouches and chicken.  Her favorite food are Cheerios, she is officially done with formula, and loves milk! Minnie Mouse is still her go-to stuffed pal, but she has a strong attachment to Daisy, who lives in her crib along with her doll, that Max named, Sadie.  She moves all over the place by scooting around on her bum, and it definitely looks like she may skip crawling all together.  Mommy and daddy always fight over who gets to put her to sleep.  Although she is increasingly [and age appropriately] more cautious of new people, she does not have a parental preference, which is awesome because both parentals want her all the time!

"Happy birthday to KIIIIIIIA!!!"

The morning before Kira was born and today- two pumpkin muffins ["cupcakes"].  No doubt Max ate that whole frosting-less muffin last year, but today he only licked the frosting off six.

Brooks babies' first birthday

Traditional 1st birthday touchdown!

Big brother birthday hugs!
Max may be a handful, but he sure does love his "Kia!".  Watching Max in action as a big brother have been the sweetest moments of the year.

School party with Riley and Iris

Kira's birth day and Kira's 1st birthday- one year later and she has tripled in size!

The excitement of hearing "It's a girl!" was just the beginning of the most wonderful year with the most wonderful girl.  

The last 365 mornings of waking up to this glowing smile have been amazing!

October 27, 2015

The night before Kira was one

One year ago tonight no one thought Kira would be born the next day.  Maybe deep down Max knew, because he was awake and screaming from 1am to 3am, an awful, but memorable night.  His last night as an only child.  And the next night he had a sister, and mommy got the most glorious night of sleep, in the hospital, with her daughter.

Playing trucks with Kira and mommy

She got it!

Send it back to Max!

Awake and refreshed after yet another peaceful night of sleep.  Kira is simply the best.

October 26, 2015

Chick fil a with friends

Kira and Tessa may have eaten more than their older siblings for dinner 


Spider Man and Ninja Turtle going at it 

Spider Max came to mommy's school in the morning before his doctor appointment 

"We both have the same tissue box!  We match!" said Spider Max early this morning 

October 25, 2015


Max and Kira went to Ben's 5th birthday party today.  Their friends are getting old!

Basketball in the bounce house 

Kira and the boys 

Finally another baby girl, Celia!

Max and Kira both really like Legos, and there was no shortage of them at Ben's Lego party.

Max slept from 8pm to 5:30am, so it was awesome that he took a nap.  Unfortunately, it was under extreme duress, as he literally tantrumed himself to sleep in the middle of the basement floor.  It gave his two side kicks, daddy and pa, a chance to rest, too.

On your mark, get set,...


Where have you been for the past two hours, Kira!!!  

Last night was the first night in Kira's whole, entire, almost one whole year life, that she had a hard time going to sleep.  She even woke up and needed daddy to rock her back to sleep.  Mommy desperately wanted to snuggle her in bed, but the chances of Max discovering his sister getting that type of special treatment would be irreversible.  Despite Kira's extremely temporary, and relatively minor [in relation to her brother] sleep set-back, she snoozed until 7:30am and was her joyful self all day.

Thank you, Memory Match, for entertaining Max for a few invaluable, pre-sunrise minutes.