January 6, 2015

First snow of 2015

"Would you look at this!?" Max exclaimed when he saw the snow this morning.  It is amazing how he memorizes and repeats every phrase he hears.

Max listed all of his items on the deck that were covered in snow.  "My table, my bicycle (thank goodness not his new one)..."

"I need a shovel!"  Fortunately Grandma and Pa left one in the basement for Max.  He put it to excellent use this morning, shoveling exactly one square foot of snow before saying his hands were cold and it was too hard.  

The playmat was dry and ready for Kira when she finally got home from dropping off Max at school.  The two mile snow-ridden trek took nearly an hour; Kira was extremely patient (aka: sleeping) the whole time.

Snow days are hilarious! 

Snow angel-esque antics after school.  In the car ride home Max said, "I want to go ice skating...NOW, because it's icing outside". 


Max demanded a snow man, but the powdery snow only gave way for 'Flat Frosty'

Wiped out and hungry after playing in the snow.  May Max always ask for bananas as a snack.

While it was freezing outside, Kira and mommy stayed indoors and looked at the beautiful pictures that Meghan took on Sunday.