August 11, 2014

Is imitation really a form of flattery?

Max greeted mommy with the most wonderful "Good morning!", a sign that his first day back at school would be a good one.  And it was!  He only cried a few minutes, then proceeded to play, eat (shocker), and nap (actual shocker) on a cot for the first time.  He was in great spirits at pick-up, hugged Miss Miranda goodbye, and said, "see you tomorrow". 

At home Max worked on football drills and played baseball.  After dinner (or rather in lieu of dinner) he went upstairs because he wanted to put Pawley to bed.  He imitated mommy's bedtime script verbatim, from singing Tomorrow (standing in the exact spot mommy stands in), to walking out of the room, standing outside the door, and then opening it and saying, "get back in that bed!".  He nailed the routine and it was absolutely hilarious.  Unfortunately, the real bedtime tonight had tears instead of laughter.

Max later tried to put his pj's on over his clothes and then completely stripped down and put on his football underwear.  Luckily he did not have an accident, but he did not use the potty either. 

"I wanna go in there"

Ready for school!

Is Harry really out of commission again?  Good thing there is a picture of him, along with free cookies, to soften the blow.

Max's first complete running pass of the season