June 13, 2015

Swimming with the big boy

Double bath! No baby tub for this big girl tonight.

Max put on his "daddy" outfit for the third day in a row, so we attempted a double smile.  

Max was really into trying to make Kira laugh.  In fact, he kept coming up behind the camera to sing songs and make faces.  

They waited until we came inside to look (almost) smiley at the camera together

Who does this portrait look like?  Daniel the Tiger or Max?

Max wants a cat so badly that he drew whiskers on Kira. Instead of chalk that we used earlier, he opted for a more appropriate medium- a Sharpie pen.

Poor Kira is covered in bug bites, so Max rubbed them and they were all better.

Bite from head to fingers

We all enjoyed zucchini bread and blue grass music at the farmers market this morning.  Guess who was ready for her nap?

Max taught Kira how to open a [poopy diaper] bag in a mere 100 steps

Teething and hungry