November 8, 2015

Baby baller

Kira loves to play ball!  It must be genetic (from her dad's side, of course!).  She is a star at roly poly and clutches baseballs, footballs, and basketballs tighter than her favorite dolls.  Today she scooted her little tushy over to the baby basketball hoop and got shots up all by herself. 

Max wandered into mommy and daddy's bed at 1am and demanded, "put your arm around me,". It was quite sweet, and he fell back asleep (he was the one). He slept all the way until 6am; the new sleeping in.

Max promised to smile in his clubhouse.  We are going to have a happy holiday card, indeed.

"Joe do that again!  Show Marissa!" Max said to his "teammate" as he played photographer.

"Mommy! Come watch my game with Joe!"

Max has been playing basketball all weekend, even more than usual since watching Hoosiers on Friday night.  His favorite scene in the movie is "On the court, off the wagon"; he has watched it at least 20 times this weekend.  He is fixated on every detail of the scene, from the boys' uniforms to the location of blood spatter ("spider" shaped) on a player's shoulder.  He does not seem aware that the assistant coach is a belligerent drunk that gets ejected from the game, but he is aware that the referees in the movie have the same shirts as the referee animals on his yogurt drink containers.