December 31, 2014

Goodnight, 2014!

Of the 5 kids pictured below, Max was the last to go to bed at 11pm. Almost made it to midnight! 

Hannah, Ben, Celia, Kira, Max

Max could hardly wait to sleep over at Ben's house.  When we arrived at 6:30pm Max wanted to skip dinner and go straight to bed.  Fast forward several pigs in a blanket, ice pops, group shower, and way too much jumping on the bed, and Max was the last child awake- making it until 11pm.  At 10pm he was eating steak.  It was a long night, but a good time was had by all.

Max was a little weary of passing the Bumbo seat down to Kira.

Tessa, Sadie, Max, and Kira had a fun play date.  Everyone so well behaved and ate lunch!  Max taught his friends the balloon game which was very entertaining and safe!

Max stayed in his bed last night and earned himself......a belt!  "I'm so happy!  I got my belt just like the Wiggles!"

December 30, 2014

Day at the museum

Morning snuggles 

Fireman and firewoman 

Max and Avery dancing 

The museum was very relaxing for Kira

Max refused to leave the house in pants but really wants high socks like the boys [on daddy's team]. But who actually tries on socks?  Good thing Max did because he said these socks made him mad- they were too tight on his hairy legs.

These white socks were a better fit.  Max sucked down this baby food (after spotting it at the store) while saying he was a big boy with his tall socks.

Max was insanely excited that he could do on the playground at Chick fil A, after all he now meets the age three requirement!  He stopped playing every few minutes to tell mommy, "look at me, I got bigger!"

December 29, 2014

Big boy bus ride

Max always looks forward to seeing Kira in the morning.  We all do!

Alphabet matching 

Proud of his finished product

Shots up after daddy's game

Max was very well behaved and daddy's team won- so he got to ride the bus home with the big boys.  He sat with the boys for the hour long bus ride and laughed the whole way.  

December 28, 2014

Kira is 2 months old!

Two month Kira run down:
First, and obvious from the picture comparison below, Kira seems to eat more than Max did at two months. She burps easier, too.
She is not a huge fan of the swing, but doesn't really require the swing to soothe her.
She does enjoy time on the playmat, and kicks the big, blue elephant.
She is a pretty good sleeper and will occasionally have a 5-6 hour sleep stint during the night.
She has been to 7 out of 8 Oakton basketball games.
She occasionally likes a paci, but Max likes giving it to her more than she actually likes taking it.
She looks adorable in headbands and mommy is hoping she continues to permit headbands to grace her bald head.
She is always happy, unless she is hungry, which is an easy problem to solve.
Most importantly, she loves her big brother and looks at him whenever he is in the room.

Kira and the giraffe that Max gave her when she was born.

The only way to take pictures with Max around is to let him take some, too.  "Ah that's a nice smile, good boy," he said after he took each picture.  Wonder where he got that from.

Brother-sister barcaloungers 
These two were really enjoying hanging out in these chairs!

December 27, 2014

Spring sneak peak

Kira loves Max and Max loves Kira, his Oakton basketball shirt (pictured above), watching the Wiggles (pictured above), and not sleeping past 6am (pictured above).

Max always wants to get [his belly] in a picture with Kira.

She is so delicious, you could just eat the cupcake right off her shirt along her on-trend printed leggings.

When Max found out we were going to the grocery store with the dinasour he "had to" change into his green shirt so he would match the ride.  He also made sure to showcase his apparel-ride color coordination.

Double snack in the double stroller

It was warm today, and since Max happened to have shorts on under his pants, there was no stopping him.

Second day of basketball in a row.  Kira seemed to have a little more fun than Max.  He really, really wanted to go on the court.  He made it 3.999 quarters without incident, but he wound up getting too close (within daddy's arms reach) during the last seconds of the game, resulting in a dramatic ejection. 

He probably should not be allowed to get this close, but he looks (and sounds) so cute coaching.  During the game Max pointed to the court and said, "look mommy that's just like what I do,"
What do you do?
"Throw my long sleeves on the floor" (in reference to the players warm up shirts behind their chairs)

Max refused to dress up for Thanksgiving.  If only we told him that he was coaching, perhaps he would have put on this outfit.  And maybe it would not have been minutes before bedtime.  

December 26, 2014

Post-holiday daze

Birthday- check!
Christmas- check!
Hanukkah- check!

It's no wonder that Max woke up this morning, came down stairs, looked at the tree, and asked, "Where are the presents?"  Everywhere, Max!

Today we packed up the past few weeks of celebrations and took a walk in the cool sunshine.  We also went to see daddy's basketball game, where Max picked up some more coaching tips.  His recent go-to sideline phrases are, "trap the ball!" and "do you hear me!?"  We do.  We all do.

In what can only be considered a post-Christmas miracle, Max and Kira both slept until about 7am.  They also both woke up in the middle of the night.  Totally acceptable for Kira, not so much the General.  He redeemed himself by being extra sweet to his little sister, kissing and petting her gently thoughout the day.

Max looks cool and happy standing on the new sit and stand stroller.  He did like it, but in this particular moment he was crying for Pawley (the live neighborhood version) to come back.

December 25, 2014

A very merry Max and Kira

Kira enjoyed her first Christmas, while Max got spoiled by Santa (and lots of other generous elves).  They both required/requested several outfit changes throughout the day.  Max is completely certain that Santa is Uncle (a byproduct of his birthday party), but still despises his beard. 

Merry Christmas!!! 

Like wearing my pjs, Kira? 
Sure, Max! 

Very excited about this did come with Yankee stickers  

All aboard!

Santa finally made his way to Target to get the bike Max had been eyeing during  every Target run for months.  

Max did a great job decorating the gingerbread house, eating a reasonable amount of the decor, while creating an edible work of art.  Too bad mommy destroyed it as soon as he left the room.  Totally by accident.  Really!

Baby grande piano- huge hit!!

Kira's first Christmas shirt, courtesy of Sadie Jean (circa 2011)

This enormous hoop was a birthday present.  Max loves it, and despite it being way to high for him and our house, he has made tons of baskets and can only get better.