February 10, 2015

Potty progress

Max scaled the big potty this morning all by himself.  The climb up and the pee pee were successful!  He also went on the little potty downstairs, but agreed to wear a diaper to school since he is not officially (fingers crossed) ditching the diapers for good until this weekend.  So far his absolute favorite thing is the grossest thing: dumping the pee from the little potty into the big potty.  He insists on carefully (so far) carrying, what equates to a "bedpan", to the potty himself.  That will be real fun when he goes number two.  "Do the potty dance!" he quickly says when he makes in the potty.  After school he took his diaper off for the rest of the day and kept his underwear dry.  At one point mommy went upstairs and left Max alone for 30 seconds.  "Look at this pee pee!" she heard, expecting to return to an accident.  But she was happily wrong!  Max was already en route to the big potty, bedpan in hand, to make a deposit.  As to not leave baby Kira out of all this potty talk, it should be noted that she has successfully kept all of her waste within the confines of her diaper.  That too, is an accomplishment.

Max ran into Kira's room this morning to hang these freshly completely letters he spied in the den.  Of course it was 6am and she was still asleep.  "I NEED these letters for MY room!" later cried the boy who has an entire [and more decorated] alphabet on his wall.  "But you have ALL the letters Max," said mommy.

Little sister is already wearing 6 month pjs!

"I want those brown [multigrain] waffles."

On Friday we went to Chick fil A and Max got a blue balloon.  On the car ride home, out of no where, all of the air fizzled out; Max has not stopped taking about it since.  Now he has a replacement and we can move on.  Maybe.