October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Seeing Max go trick-or-treating was just terrific.  It may seem silly to think of Halloween as significant, but it illustrates how much Max has grown in a whimsical, cartoon-clad, sugarcoated way.  Last year, at 10 months old, Max could not walk, let alone understand what Halloween was. More importantly, his palate surgery was days before; the only treat he wanted was liquid oxycodone.  But this Halloween, as he walked from house to house, held out his pumpkin(s), and happily accepted treats, I realized the biggest treat for me was one entire surgery-free, healthy year!

Why only have one pumpkin when you have two hands?

Halloween picture from school:)

Max did not tell his mommy what he wanted to be for Halloween.  Since his favorite show is the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, she got him a Mickey costume.  It was tough for him to contain his enthusiasm, but he managed to.

Halloween hugs (mouse-cow head butt?)

Ben was a very skilled trick-or-treating role model 

Get me out of this costume!

October 30, 2013

Farmers Market Wednesday

Two pears, two bags of gold fish, and an unquantifiable number of graham crackers- typical Max snack.

October 26, 2013

Good morning, Grandma and Pa

Max woke up this morning and his dream came true- Grandma and Pa were still there! But mommy and daddy were still very far away- celebrating the wedding of some of his first visitors ever- Jeff and Jackie- the newest Mr. & Mrs. Waters.

Jeff and Jackie in December 2011 and today, October 26, 2013, their wedding day!

October 25, 2013

Missing Max

Max is on a stay-cation with grandma and grandpa (a.k.a.- "Pa"), who were nice enough to come to Virginia while David and I crossed the country for our friends wedding.  I have never been on the west coast, but leaving Max for so long is a much greater shock to the system.  Knowing he is in great hands makes it easier, but videos and photos make it even better! 

October 23, 2013

October 21, 2013

First aid

Max is a wild child by nature, but add a laundry basket over his head and ever-present straw cup hanging from his mouth, and a bloody chin is bound to happen. And it did. But not only did Max recover swiftly, he eagerly assisted it cleaning his wounds.  And licking them.  He must have picked that up from Pawley.

Hydrogen peroxide doesn't sting the general


Goof balls goofing around

October 20, 2013


Max learned how to take his shirt off today. During his nap.  Consequently, the nap did not include sleep; just sheer excitement over the new found skill.

Now I can show off the belly whenever I want!

Target date!

This ride is so much fun!
(and free!)

October 19, 2013

Fall-ing in love Festival

Today Max went to the festival at Frying Pan Park, where he shucked corn, cored an apple, and took a romantic wagon ride with Sadie.

This straw is broken.

What a comfy seat.  Empty box of wipes in the middle of the hall.

October 18, 2013

Friday night lights

Max had a busy, sports-packed Friday! 

Why didn't my mom bring me a football?

Thank goodness the game is finally over so Max can get some shots up

         Best Buddies basketball game

October 14, 2013

Sunny day

Thanks to Columbus, rainy weather did not trap Max inside all weekend.  He enjoyed the last leg of the three-day weekend running wild in the warm, and finally dry air.

He also displayed some interesting behavior in the patience department today. This morning he simply could not wait for breakfast.  He demanded his waffle straight from the freezer.  It was completely frozen.  And completely gone in thirty seconds.  Later at the park, however, he kept his cool while waiting in line for the carousel.  He missed getting on the ride by one kid.  Twice!  But each time he waited patiently, token in hand and his arm extended, ready to exchange it for a ride on a shinny horse. 

Maybe this frozen waffle will make my teeth feel better.
And my belly feel full.  Fast!

Driving with Neil

Hug bye