February 28, 2015

Kira is 4 months old!

Kira's favorite four month old pastimes include: smiling...



...trying to roll over...

...Biting her fists (while also trying to roll over)...

Which one of us is 4 months old?

One man band

February 27, 2015

Goodnight, Friday night

Kira helped put Max to bed, which was immediately followed up by Max helping to put Kira to bed.  "No! She isn't going to bed, she's going to her crib!!!!" corrected Literal Max.  

Double bath-ish

Max was very excited that Kira and he were both wearing Sesame Street shirts. Kira's diaper leaked all over her shirt by 8am, but Max was adamant that she power through and keep it on.  Ironic request coming from the boy, who just yesterday, handed his mother a diaper full of poop while she lay sleeping in bed at 5am.  Better still, Max's prideful explanation: "Mommy, I picked up this brown poopy off the floor with my hand".  

February 25, 2015

All American

The perfect new pjs for a big patriotic boy who wears underwear!

Caught red, white, and blue handed with playdoh in his mouth!

Early, early morning reading session

Happy baby, super soaked bib 

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes: The Tutorial

Kira was really congested today, but while she was awake (which was not that much) she giggled a ton and almost rolled over.

February 24, 2015

Kira loves

...her brother 
Max brought Kira 'white blankey' and when he decided he wanted it back (one second later) he was nice enough to fetch her another blankey.  Because the kitchen floor is clearly the best place to cuddle on the floor with blankeys.

Kira loves her new sunglasses...

And her mobile mobile...

And her Bumbo 

Max was coaching daddy in the locker room.  He has quite an imagination and daddy is quite a good sport 

"Look at this boo boo on my foot on my foot, Kira!  I'm a bad boy. I think she's gonna cry."  *Max determined that he was bad because he stepped on a car and cut his foot.  And he was sure Kira would cry because his injury was so severe.  But she just smiled, as usual.

First thing this morning Max asked mommy if his jersey was dirty.  Yes.  Always.  She had slipped it into the laundry basket with full intentions of taking it right back out should Max's temper errupt.  Instead, Max said he would wear his rocket ship shirt since the jersey was unavailable.  It worked out perfectly, because, as he explained last night, he would need to wear his rocketship shirt to retrieve his balloon in the event that it went up in the air.  Where balloons tend to go.

February 23, 2015


Kira says, Thank goodness it's Monday!

Late night Max update- because it was just too sweet to not record for posterity-
Max: (after being in bed for over an hour and a half) Mommy!  Mommy!  Mommy!
Mommy: Yes, Max?
Max: Where's my football blankey?
Mommy: (thinking, you never ask for that, but thank God I know where it is) Here- do you want it on top of you?
Max: (with a huge smile and half closed eyes) Now I am so warm.  I am so warm!
Mommy: Goodnight, Max.  I love you.
Max: Thank you SO much for wrapping me up in this blankey.  Thank you so much.

Not rolling yet, but she sure likes when her mommy pushes her over.  Really, she does.

Working on it...

Target date for three! (Plus their two chaperones). As Sadie guessed correctly, baby Kira was home sleeping.  

On the way to Target Max spotted Chick fil A...
Max: Mommy, is that Chick fil A open? 
Mommy: yes
Max: So we can go there after Target. 
Mommy: (nada)

While walking into Chick fil A...
Max: I'm going to get a balloon and if it flies up in the air I will put on my rocketship clothes so I can get in my rocketship to go in the sky to get it.  And I will put on my rocketship clothes!  And I will go in my rocketship! (Repeat monologue x10)

Sporty love

After realizing that Max likes to use mommy's camera she decided to offer him the chance to use it in exchange for a few smiles.  Or one.  Max, however, has a bigger end game in mind.  End of the year game that is.

Mommy: Max, if you smile for a picture I will let you have a turn with my camera.
Max: I don't want to use that one because Santa is bringing me my own camera for Christmas.

February 22, 2015

Three kid band

Max, Ben, and Hannah: The "big" kid
Max LOVES Ben, and that is great considering he is such an upstanding boy and an excellent influence on the General.  Max is also quite possessive/jealous when Ben's attention goes elsewhere- like to his sister, Hannah.  "I don't love her!" Max rudely claimed.  But we all know what it means when boys say that about girls.

Fraternity brothers and their daughters 

Another snowed in day of Kira dressing up in Max's clothes.  

Sunday snow art: "I love it! It's so beautiful!"

So glad Kira could join us this morning at 7:00am.  We have missed you for the past two hours!

February 21, 2015

Go big or go home

Max finally took the plunge and went número dos in the potty.  Always one for the dramatic, Max then needed an actual plunger.  Lovely.  

Playing with the camera timer 

Kira could watch Max eat all day!

Timmy came over to play with Max and Ceci came to help with Kira, so the girls made hair bows.

Ceci is a mommy in the making. 

February 20, 2015

Black [eye] Friday

Is it possible that this happy girl spits up more than her big brother?  It is indeed, and she thinks it is just hilarious.  The ruffles on her second saturated outfit of the day mask the evidence well.

Checking out his shiner

Max got a black eye.  The door he ran into while running in circles for no apparent reason looks worse.  These old teething aids made perfect ice packs for the injury even though Max claimed, "I used to choke on these".  

Stuffed besties for everyone