June 12, 2012

Max's first...

sitting up (6.23.12)

driving lesson with daddy (6.3.12)

boat ride (6.10.12)

day at the beach (6.8.12)

attempt at feed himself (6.2.12)

swim! (5.28.12)

ride on a merry-go-round (5.25.12)

prison break (5.22.12)

5K to benefit his friend Gianna (5.20.12)

roll! (5.2.12)

not the actually first roll, but later that day (5.2.12)

bowl of solid food (if you consider runny rice cereal solid) (4.27.12)

Super Bowl.  Go Giants! (2.5.12)

Oakton basketball game (1.24.12)

party...his bris... (1.1.12)

New Years Eve (12.31.11)

friend and first time meeting her- Sadie Jean (12.26.11)

nap on daddy....one of infinity... (12.24.11)

picture with mommy (12.24.11)

picture (12.24.11)

Monthly photos

In addition to the barrage of photos I take of Max on a daily basis (come on, I need to get it in while he is still young enough to not fight it), here are photos taken on the 24th of each month.  Month #1 did not go so well; I could not get one single picture of Max where he did not look absolutely miserable.  I mean, I know one month olds don't really smile, but between the receding hair line and his sulking, the photo session left a lot to be desired.  Just saying.  Luckily that period was short-lived and Max now embraces being the sole subject of his mom's paparazzi-style photography.