October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Seeing Max go trick-or-treating was just terrific.  It may seem silly to think of Halloween as significant, but it illustrates how much Max has grown in a whimsical, cartoon-clad, sugarcoated way.  Last year, at 10 months old, Max could not walk, let alone understand what Halloween was. More importantly, his palate surgery was days before; the only treat he wanted was liquid oxycodone.  But this Halloween, as he walked from house to house, held out his pumpkin(s), and happily accepted treats, I realized the biggest treat for me was one entire surgery-free, healthy year!

Why only have one pumpkin when you have two hands?

Halloween picture from school:)

Max did not tell his mommy what he wanted to be for Halloween.  Since his favorite show is the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, she got him a Mickey costume.  It was tough for him to contain his enthusiasm, but he managed to.

Halloween hugs (mouse-cow head butt?)

Ben was a very skilled trick-or-treating role model 

Get me out of this costume!