August 3, 2014

Let's play ball!

Max had another packed vacation day.  He must have known he would be doing a lot of fun things because he woke up at 5:40am to get the day started.

His first stop was Uncle Jordan's new apartment, where Max commented, "I like the building."  He got quite the bounce while dribbling a basketball on the terrace.  Later he played with Raya and her baby brother, Ari, in Central Park.  After running around on the playground he cooled off with frozen yogurt at none other than the Plaza Hotel.

Tonight Max had a blast at his first minor league baseball game.  On the way into the stadium he insisted, "I don't want to sit and watch, I want to play."  He rooted hard for the home team, the Ducks, and loved their mascot, who he affectionately referred to as 'Donald'.  During the 7th inning he snuck down to the front row, watched the game from right behind home plate and sang, "Take Me Out to the Ballgame" with Grandma.  Kids were allowed to run the bases at the end of the game; Max almost got to first, but he doubled back screaming, "Wait I need my mit!"

Root, root, root for the home team! 

Classic baseball game dinner- hot dog!

Running the bases with the big boys 

Max and Raya 

Look at all of these toppings!

Headed to the Plaza for some dessert

Max is pooped from waking over 65 blocks in Manhattan.  Correction- being pushed 65 blocks!