June 27, 2015

Rainy day fun

Despite the gloomy weather, we had a lot of fun all over the place today.

Max only woke up twice last night.  That statement is not sarcastic, because those two wake-ups were only minutes, as opposed to hours, like the previous night[mare].   Once Max was awake in all his glory, he demanded to do an "art project!"  He did not specify, "face painting", but that is obviously what he had in mind, as he marked up his face AND refused to clean it off all day.

Kira's first time at Chibis indoor playground.  She had a lot of fun; her favorite part was watching the big kids.

Post nap art project...

Special dinner with Jake and Kate to find out if Jake is getting a little brother or sister.  It's going to be a girl!  Pink icing laden cake was enjoyed by all!

It was way past Kira's bedtime, but here is hoping this double bath leads to a double sleep-in-past-6am

These bath giggles washed away all of the rough parts of the day