It appears that Max, like his mom, is extremely prone to mosquito bites. After discovering Max's eye swollen shut from a bug bite on his eye lid, I decided to research why Max and I get eaten alive by flying blood suckers, while David can endure a walk outside virtually bite-free. Normally I would not even bother consulting WebMD, but the article I found quoted a University of Florida professor; naturally that gives it credence. According to the article, some people are more genetically predisposed to mosquito attraction. Another theory is that one's chemical make-up gives off odors that attract mosquitoes. If you have ever smelled Max, or his formula that he wears as cologne, you would think his odor would more likely be a bug repellent. Needless to say, I spent the weekend shopping for baby-safe bug spray and a stroller mosquito net.
Over the past several months people have asked me where I find the time to post updates on this blog. The answer was simple and somewhat unfortunate: there is not much else to do while waiting in doctors offices and hospital waiting rooms. Thankfully, I now have plenty to do, and continuing this digital archive of Max's life is definitely one of them.
(9.9.12) |
Oatmeal bath to help soothe the bug bites (9.8.12) |
(9.8.12) |
Having fun at Timmy's 1st birthday (9.7.12) |
(9.6.12) |
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