June 25, 2016

Pool, play, pool, repeat

After a cool five minutes at the playground we melted and jumped in the pool.

Thank goodness the pool is right next door to Aunt Arielle's place.  We had the pool (aka: warm bath) all to our self.

Kira still does not love the [inside] of the pool, which is crazy considering her love for the ocean and running arounds water parks!

The perfect pool for Max

Kira enjoys playing with the pool toys outside of the pool

Shower time!

Kira loves sleeping in Aunt Arielle's closet.  She took her first, and much needed nap, today since we got to Florida.

The little girl in this picture was fighting with Max over who was going to get to hold Kira

For the love of sandals!  Max claims his flip flops hurt his toes and he needs "slip slide shoes" like daddy and Nolan.  Of course they do not make those in his size so after four stores he settled for these.  Pretty sure this sandal saga is not quite over.

Max insisted that Kira had a dirty diaper.  She did not.

One more swim before bed and before a rainstorm