Max wore his bathing suit and swim shirt with a huge paper that said "MAX" taped to it. "Look at my lace shoes," Max said to Santa instead of asking him for Christmas [or Hanukah!] gifts. He was planning on asking Santa for a car wash (which he just got), but the excitement of the lace shoes distracted him. He did tell Santa that he would be nice. Kira did not say much, she just smiled and tried to nose dive off Santa's sofa.
Kira adores her daddy. She was hugging his arm throughout our food court dinner. It is also highly probable that she wanted his fried rice.
Santa was on a break when we got to the mall, which was excellent, because daddy and pa waited in the number one spot while Max and Kira rode the train.
Max wrote this all by himself without any supervision. He was so proud that he wanted to tape it to his belly and wear it all evening. Mommy was equally proud of his penmanship and the fact that the Sharpie remained on the paper.