March 28, 2016

Double case of the Mondays

Monday morning mood.  Hey kids, how about sleeping in a little bit instead of waking up tired?

Max just checked- it is walking time!  He was very excited to wear his watch to school, but unfortunately daddy had to pick it up in the office at the end of the day.  Max and an undisclosed peer were wrestling and they both got their watches taken away.  It figures that the very first day Max brings some sort of technology to school it gets taken away; in no time he will be texting his buddies and getting his phone confiscated.

Kira got a nose boo boo to match her brother's, but she took her injury in stride and went right back down the slide.

Kira wants to scale the playground before she can even walk

Her pants want her to walk, too.  

There is daddy cheering Kira on 

What Kira lacks in walking ability she makes up for with intellect.  She is so smart and interested in everything, everyone, and what everyone is doing.  She loves to show off that she knows her ears, mouth, nose, and [blinking] eyes.  She has also picked up some new words. Sometimes it is hard to tell if she is just parroting words that she hears or if she understands them, but today at the playground she definitely said, "doggy" when dogs walked by.  She also says, "ducky" when she plays with her rubber duck in the bath.  Her first and favorite word is "daddy"; she clearly has an affinity for words that start with 'D' and end with 'Y'.  

Speaking of D words, the happiest bedtime baby ever loves cuddling with Daisy.