October 21, 2014

An apple a day...

...does not really keep the doctor away.  Max came home sick this afternoon.  Again. But we won't give up on apples just yet.  In fact the apple pictured below gave Max a burst of energy and an infusion of humor.  During bedtime he was especially precocious in his procrastination technique and spent 15 minutes asking mommy, "Do you like...
my pillow, the basketball on my pillow, this baseball on my pillow, my white blankey, my big blankey, my dinosaur, Pawley, my letters (on the wall), my chair, my cup, my pjs, my door, my floor, Goodnight Moon, powder, lotion, and so on...

His expression was so genuinely inquisitive each and every time he asked a question; it was impossible to keep a straight face.  So I didn't.

Max also asked to touch the baby.  When he felt him/her kick he said, "The baby kicked a soccer ball!"   That would explain why Mommy's belly is so huge!  There is a baby AND a soccer ball in there! 

PJs, Curious George, and an apple at 5:00pm.