This weekend Max participated in the Joe Cassella 5K with his friends Gianna and Jackson. This is the second year Max has attended, and while he didn't break any records (or a sweat), his time definitely improved! Last year he bounced around in the Baby Bjorn and this year he lounged in the stroller and snacked his way through the entire race. It is just a matter of time before he runs it. With one of those runner belts filled with snacks, of course.
Speaking of snacks, Max cannot get enough. He signs "more", he says "more", and he jams more in his mouth, even when it is completely full. Yesterday, Max stuffed his mouth so full of rice crispy treats that he could not chew. The General, however, still wanted more and broke into a teary tirade when he was not able to fit another bite into his sticky, overflowing mouth. Clearly Max has his mom's sweet tooth and his dad's speedy metabolism!
5K with Gianna and Jackson (5.19.13) |
(5.19.13) |
Basketball stickers (5.19.13) |
5 kilometers worth of snacks (5.19.13) |
Two little monkeys jumping on the bed (5.19.13) |
Get me on to that carousel (5.18.13) |
Saturday morning slide (5.18.13) |
Happy Friday! (5.17.13) |
(5.16.13) |
Tried to make a basket,
but got a bloody nose instead (5.16.13) |
Face full of apples at the
farmers market (5.15.13) |
(5.15.13) |
(5.14.13) |
(5.14.13) |
Knocked out from Mr. Knick-Knack (5.13.13) |
(5.13.13) |
(5.13.13) |
Facetime! (5.13.13) |