May 20, 2015

Farmers Market Wednesday

Kira had her first "dessert" today- an ice pop from the farmers market.  She loved the strawberry banana pop, which was basically a frozen version of her breakfast on a stick.  Except much colder.  And messier.  

Almost three years ago, Max also had his first ice pop from the same farmers market stand, at the same age as Kira is now.

Enough with the pictures mom, put the pop in my mouth!  And ps- where is my bib?

Max is obsessed with these random clusters of colored pipes on the metro plaza.  Surely they are some sort of artist decoration, and not a playground, or minimum security toddler jail.  Max was excited to finally find a cluster with space for him to wedge his body in.

Helping to make dinner with our fresh zucchini 

Max enjoyed the veggies of his labor.
David has been grilling a lot lately and Max's new nightly question is, "Mommy, why do you barbecue inside and daddy barbecues outside?"

Finally agreed to put on clean clothes

Max wanted to play with his water table in the 60 degree, 6:30am morning.  He was [insanly] upset last night, and after refusing a bath, he would only sleep in his clothes.  He must have had a salt shaker for dinner, because he woke up screaming for, "MIIIIIIIIILK!!!!"  at 10pm and midnight.  It was still dark when he woke up at 5:20am, but he was in a good mood, so we all survived.  He almost insisted on not changing for school, but somehow mommy managed to pick the perfect outfit to coax him out of his day old shirt, shorts, and...underwear.