August 20, 2014

Can't get more handsome

Max's surgery is tomorrow at 3:30pm.  David and I have no worries about the operation; the main concern is starving the General all day.  He can have ice pops, jello, and "a special drink" (Pedialyte) until 11:30am, but after that the little guy will be running on empty.

The surgery was postponed until tomorrow because Dr. Redett decided it was best to not only remove the scar tissue (bump) on the bottom left side of Max's lip as originally planned, but to also lower the top of his left lip line by 2mm.  This requires more time in surgery, as well as a return visit to Hopkins next week to remove the stitches under anestisa.  As with all of Max's surgeries, there is no doubt he will be brave and heal perfectly.

4 pre-op photo shoots

Max got the case of the giggles and it was contagious!

Ice pop practice for tomorrow