May 16, 2015

Breakfast club

Making pancakes is a special part of almost every morning, so both mommy and Max were eager to give Kira a taste of the action.  She had a few bites this morning and she really liked it. 

Max modeled and narrated detailed instructions about how to eat the pancake.  "See you put the pancake in here (the cup holder on her tray) and than you eat it."

Max kept rolling the ball to Kira but she could not catch it.  "She's not listening!" he tattled.

Max often complains about his "uniform" being to big...

So he just wore his own shirt today.  Maybe next week we will at least find a red one.

Just taking his remote control car for a walk down the street, down the slide, and through the tunnel 

Max has a new pet.  'Daddy' the caterpillar now lives on our deck in a plastic container filled with leaves. Godspeed, Daddy [ the human one and the insect one].