February 3, 2015



Despite the striking resemblance to CPR administration, Max was "gently" teaching Kira how to roll over.  Now someone just needs to teach Max how to do anything "gently".

They are both good at tummy time

Last night may have been Kira's most "energetic" night of her life (aka- she wanted to giggle and chat instead of sleep), but she most certainly made up for it with a four hour nap today.  She also had quite the post-nap glow.

Dessert time!  Max dipped his ice pop in duck sauce, his new favorite condiment.  Kira watched.

On the way home from school, Max announced, "Uncle said I could use his toothbrush".  The random remark was not forgotten and Max was eager to brush his teeth this evening.  Sleep, not so much.  "Falling asleep hurts my belly," he claimed tonight.