June 5, 2013

Pool boy

With temperatures well into the 90's last week, it was the perfect time to reacquaint Max with the pool. Last summer he lounged comfortably in his baby inner tube seat, but this year he splashed around the kiddie pool on his own two feet and was amused by watching big kids play. Max likes the water, but mostly enjoyed climbing in and out of the pool and eating animal crackers. At the same time.

Not so itsy bitsy anymore (6.3.13)

Proud of their song (6.3.13)

More snack [please] (6.3.13)

Watching the rain (6.2.13)

Watering the plants (6.2.13)




Big pool! (6.1.13)

The boys (6.1.13)


Look at that hair! (6.1.13)

Practicing what he learned
in drivers ed (6.1.13)

Washing up all by himself
like a big [dirty] boy (6.1.13)

Come on, let's go home (5.31.13)

Happy Friday! (5.31.13)

En route to the pool for the
first time this year! (5.30.13)



Peanut butter breath (5.29.13)

Max loves Daddy (5.28.13)

King me (5.28.13)

His idea (5.27.13)

