November 28, 2014

One month old: Kira edition

Kira is one month old today, and she had quite the busy day.  She went to the Reston holiday parade, sat on Santa's lap, and watched her brother ice skate.

It is hard to believe that Kira is a month old, especially considering she was almost a month early!  Her beautiful eyes are so alert and she has the most peaceful demeanor.  During her first two weeks she slept long stretches at night, and although she wakes up more frequently now, she is very low maintenance as far as newborn go.  The past month has flown by; she is the greatest baby girl and little sister.

Max style photo shoot 

"Look, we both have a one on our shirt!" shouted big brother Max.  Good catch, Max! 

Max went ice skating with Aunt Arielle and mommy and did a great job!  He held his own along the wall of the rink, and even managed to break away a few times and balance himself on the ice.  He adamantly opposed any assistance from mommy or Aunt Arielle for the majority of the time, yet did ask to be carried for the last leg of the lap. The one, long, long, (expensive), lap.  

Annual tradition of ice skating with Aunt Arielle- 2014 and 2013.  Max was very confident last year, but things did not really pan out on the ice.  This year he made it all around the rink!

Little Kira fends for herself when Max is around.  What a great little sister!  

Max took a break from skating to bring Kira to meet Mr. and Mrs. Clause.  "I want a bicycle," he said looking straight into Santa's eyes.  Max still did not want to sit on his lap, but Kira did.

Max loves himself a good parade.  He especially loved the enormous American Flag balloon.

Kira was bundled up for her first parade, and apparently she looked quite comfy, because Max said, "That's my sister.  I want to lay on her."