July 29, 2016

Growth spurts

Everyone has gotten taller since March!

Favorite meal

No more babies here.  Except the Hello Kitty cats everywhere. 

Peek-a-boo! "Hattie!" Kira screamed (sans the letter "t") as she reenacted their play date

Water play at summer camp 

Blood, sweat, and smiles

Kira banged her chin on the playground but she would not let the non-stop gush of blood stop her from playing.  

Her post-nap shirt also got blood stained, but she did not mind.  She loved pointing out all the familiar faces on this new poster.  "Max! Max!  Max! Daddy! Max!..." She still does not say her own name, but plenty (more than half!) of the pictures were of her.

Max has been free of his night diaper for a whole week!  He was handsomely rewarded with exactly what he begged for- "work shoes", which he thinks look mighty fine with his outfit.  His shoe collection is quickly becoming the largest in our house.  

Dinner date with his favorite kids meal book series 

Bedtime dress up