First, and obvious from the picture comparison below, Kira seems to eat more than Max did at two months. She burps easier, too.
She is not a huge fan of the swing, but doesn't really require the swing to soothe her.
She does enjoy time on the playmat, and kicks the big, blue elephant.
She is a pretty good sleeper and will occasionally have a 5-6 hour sleep stint during the night.
She has been to 7 out of 8 Oakton basketball games.
She occasionally likes a paci, but Max likes giving it to her more than she actually likes taking it.
She looks adorable in headbands and mommy is hoping she continues to permit headbands to grace her bald head.
She is always happy, unless she is hungry, which is an easy problem to solve.
Most importantly, she loves her big brother and looks at him whenever he is in the room.