August 24, 2015

Back to school

Max started his new 'big boy school' today, while Kira spent some special alone time with daddy.  They had lots of fun and even visited mommy at work.  

Max was up so late last night that he had to be woken up for school in the morning.  The last time Max had to be woken up was.........

After some negotiation, Max agreed to wear something other than pajamas to school.  We have been talking about his new school all summer long, and visited last week so he knew what to expect.  Max was eager to go into the school, but once mommy left he was screaming mad.  Literally and physically.  After five minutes he calmed down and had a terrific day.  At pick up, two boys immediately reported that Max had so much fun, and they were right.  Three year olds are so smart! 

Max told mommy this evening that tomorrow he is going to laugh at school and love it and that mommy can, "Drop me off at school, but just for a little bit.  Like a minute or an hour and then come pick me up.  OK!!??"  

Best part of the workday!

After school at the pool!  Summer is not quite over yet!

Max was eager to lend Sadie some dry clothes after the pool.  Sadie looked so adorable dressed as the general from shirt to sneakers!

Waiting for daddy