June 6, 2015

Saturday fun

Max woke up at 4:30am today.  For the second night/morning in a row.  When Kira woke up early, too, at 6am, he was happy to have an audience who was not begging for sleep.  "Look how I made Kira laugh!" Max said as he "ssssshhhhh"ed Kira into a million giggles.

Max and Pawley attended a grand opening party at Reston Hospital's new Pediatric ER. When he heard that he was allowed to bring Pawley for an examination he could not contain his excitement, but quickly asked, "Do I have to take my clothes off?"  

Every time we pass the signs for the hospital Max reminds me that it is the hospital where Kira was born.  While we were there today we happened to run into Dr. M who delivered both Kira and Max.

Hopefully Max and Pawley never have to ride in an ambulance for real.  Max got to play on a fire truck, too, but just as he was about to try on the headset, the truck got called away for a real fire!

Max and his first base coach, daddy

The perfect girl and her perfect purple plum

The girls watching the boys play baseball before dinner

Deck art

"Look I drew a circle!  I know how to draw a circle!" Max was so proud of his drawing!  Now he can draw many of his favorite things- basketballs, pancakes, and the moon.

Bath time is more fun than ever!

Not only does Kira love the bath, but she is even happy when bath is over.  She is alway happy!