October 14, 2012

Bagel boss

We have been taking every opportunity to enjoy the sensational fall weather while it lasts.  Max loves to be outside; it is a virtual antidote for anything that ails him.  On Saturday, the fire department hosted a family open house.  Max may have been too small to climb on the trucks and explore the station, but he loved the toy fire hat- and that he got to take home with him!  This afternoon we capped off our alfresco-themed weekend with a charity walk and lunch with friends. 

Cure Search Walk for Children's Cancer with Gianna and Jackson (10.14.12)

Fresh out of toilet paper (10.14.12)

The Yankees are giving Max a belly ache (10.13.12)

Just a little something to hold over the nugget (10.13.12)

Family Day at the firehouse (10.13.12)


Mouth watering [fake] muffins (10.12.12)