It is very clear why these are called "Anywhere Chairs"- because even a toddler can pick them up and move them anywhere. For example, Max dragged his into Kira's took this morning and than asked mommy to take a picture.
Max's furniture moving efforts were for naught. He preferred Kira's chair. Shocker.
Kira is still quite congested, but the doctor said it is just a cold. She did get some special cream for her "mark", which Max was happy about because he is dying for that thing to go away. Mommy and daddy are similarly dying for Max's temper tantrums to go away. Do they make a cream for that?
Full of food and snot

The thrill of spotting Mister Potato head on the wall of Target never gets old
Max was excited to try on his new (old) life jacket for his boat rides this summer. He was hysterically laughing while reminiscing about our paddle boat ride last summer, "remember when the ducks tried to eat my snack!?!"
Quality family game time quickly turned from board games to...
Happy baby ducks