October 7, 2014

Field trip!

Max went on his very first field trip today.  He had a great time playing with all of his friends from school at the Burke Nursery Fall Festival. It is tough to say what his favorite part was; from the "tractor ride" (hayride) to the huge, super-fast slide and the Pawley slide, he loved it all, especially since he got to enjoy it all with his friends (of course mommy was there, too). 

Practicing with two in the car.
Max was so excited to ride in the car with baby Iris!

When Max saw his brown bag lunch for the field trip he thought it was from the bagel store.  Even though it was just a plain old peanut butter sandwich from home, he was so excited that he insisted on eating it on the way to school.

...and the bedtime antics continue...9:30 pm