Christmas- check!
Hanukkah- check!
It's no wonder that Max woke up this morning, came down stairs, looked at the tree, and asked, "Where are the presents?" Everywhere, Max!
Today we packed up the past few weeks of celebrations and took a walk in the cool sunshine. We also went to see daddy's basketball game, where Max picked up some more coaching tips. His recent go-to sideline phrases are, "trap the ball!" and "do you hear me!?" We do. We all do.
In what can only be considered a post-Christmas miracle, Max and Kira both slept until about 7am. They also both woke up in the middle of the night. Totally acceptable for Kira, not so much the General. He redeemed himself by being extra sweet to his little sister, kissing and petting her gently thoughout the day.