October 25, 2015


Max and Kira went to Ben's 5th birthday party today.  Their friends are getting old!

Basketball in the bounce house 

Kira and the boys 

Finally another baby girl, Celia!

Max and Kira both really like Legos, and there was no shortage of them at Ben's Lego party.

Max slept from 8pm to 5:30am, so it was awesome that he took a nap.  Unfortunately, it was under extreme duress, as he literally tantrumed himself to sleep in the middle of the basement floor.  It gave his two side kicks, daddy and pa, a chance to rest, too.

On your mark, get set,...


Where have you been for the past two hours, Kira!!!  

Last night was the first night in Kira's whole, entire, almost one whole year life, that she had a hard time going to sleep.  She even woke up and needed daddy to rock her back to sleep.  Mommy desperately wanted to snuggle her in bed, but the chances of Max discovering his sister getting that type of special treatment would be irreversible.  Despite Kira's extremely temporary, and relatively minor [in relation to her brother] sleep set-back, she snoozed until 7:30am and was her joyful self all day.

Thank you, Memory Match, for entertaining Max for a few invaluable, pre-sunrise minutes.