March 27, 2015

...and it's cold again

Yesterday we were in flip flops and shorts and today it is back to coats and [hysterical crying and screaming over wearing] pants.

Morning giggles 

Wow, mom, now that you cleaned your camera lense these zillions of pictures are much more clear.

Watching with anticipation as mommy whips up her next infant delicacy- apples and banana.  It was a hit!  Kira slurped spoonfuls for lunch and dinner.  

Just a little summer fashion show to pass the time on this cold and rainy afternoon. 

Bundled back up for the playground.  This is Kira's expression every time she sits here to watch mommy put on the baby carrier- she gets so excited!

Fake sleeping.
Max always wants to be a part of Kira's bedtime routine.  But wants no part in his own.

Real sleeping. 
Mommy always wants to remember, and greatly appreciate, what an amazing sleeper Kira is.