April 21, 2015

DC play date

We went to visit mommy's friends Jason and Mara and their kids Raya and Ari who were visiting DC from New York.  Raya gave Max a squishy brain keychain from her daddy's conference.  "What is it?" Max asked.  When he was told it was a brain, like the one in his head, he was deeply confused, scratched his head (as if trying to get inside), and said, "but I don't see it!"  

Max and Raya 

Max's mommy is slacking In the swing department 

This scale/sesaw ride was lots of fun, but Max and Raya did not weigh enough to make it move by itself 

Early morning Neil Diamond jam session 
"We're comin to America..." 
"Mommy, I'm teaching Kira to sing"
"Kira do you like my shirt?"