Kira has a cold, again, which has become par for the 'Max brings home germs and it is winter' course. She was not super smiley for her three month picture, but there is no hiding how adorable she is. Even with a cold, she is still a happy and patient baby girl. She hardly cries, loves to coo, and enjoys when people talk to her so she can try to immitate them. Hopefully she does not try to immitate [and can sleep through] the temper tantrums her big brother has had the past three nights.
Max had his first lip repair three days after this picture was taken; this was one of the last pictures of his super sized grin. There were only about 1.5 million more taken over the following two days.

Kira loves Max!
Whenever he is in the room she can't take her eyes off him, making him the perfect photographer. Max is really honing his photography skills....
Max took these two excellent photos
Father-son coaching (don't tell Max he is really just watching the freshman game)
Max wanted to dress like daddy, complete with tie and hair gel. He refused to dress up for Thanksgiving but he wore a shirt and tie to school on a Wednesday.