March 20, 2016

Baby Buster Browns

Ring around the Rosie: early walker edition 
(aka: new sweetest picture of these two)

Max loves to teach Kira everything he knows.  When she is not getting walking lessons she is learning about body parts.

"Mouth! <points to his mouth> Mouth Kira mouth!"
"Nose! <points to his nose> Nose Kira nose!"
"Butt crack! <jump, scream, cackle, slap his own tush>  HAAAAHAAAA BUTT CRACK Kira! Where's your butt crack!"

Kira wearing mommy's Buster Browns- she pulls off the 80s style and Max went nuts when he saw that Kira was wearing "lace shoes"

Kira took a few [forced] steps today, but mostly smile scooted the day away. 

GOOD MORNING- from Max and Pawley