July 10, 2014

Pajama party!

Max loves pjs.  His latest morning trend  is to request to "leave my pjs on" (after his diaper change) or to put "other pjs on".  This morning he decided that Pawley needed pjs too.  But when he heard that was a "pajama party" he immediately said he wanted a cupcake.  Luckily he still thinks oatmeal blueberry muffins are cupcakes.

Summer camp continues to be a huge hit.  Although Max is still displaying major "transition" behavior at home (ie: "NO!!" to everything), he talks about his summer camp all the time and loves going.  He also learned how to drink from a regular cup (without spilling everywhere).  Tonight he put Pawley in his backpack, turned around and waved, and said, "bye, bye, Mommy, don't cry, I'm going to my summer camp".  That made mommy cry just a little.

Max knows all the colors!

Max had FOUR "cupcakes" today!

Thirst quenched, shirt dry, diaper [over] full