February 2, 2015

The boy who cried pee

Max was quite hilarious in the car this afternoon.  First, he confirmed that both he and Kira were in mommy's belly.  Then he said he wanted to go back in mommy's belly, but he couldn't find the door.  In other hilarity on the way home from school, Max saw a grey Nissian Altima, and asked if it was mommy's car.  Nope, we are in mommy's car.   But it was the same car.  He notices every. single. thing.

"I want to wear a shirt with a horse like daddy!" Luckily Max and Kira both had some Polo hand-me-downs from Ben and Hannah to appease the General's fashion whim. Kira was slightly less interested in the "horsey shirt".

Max woke up and immediately whined, "I want to go pee pee on the potty". He even claimed to have gone.  Not true.  The boy who cried pee is also into lying these days.  Last week he told Miss Miranda that he pooped on the potty with Grandma and Pa.  However, simply wearing boxers does not a poop on the potty make.