Side note: As of late, his new manta is, "No! I am NOT going to listen".
There was no choice but to listen this afternoon as Max carried on about the sandals, so after dinner (and more importantly, after rush hour), we headed to Nordstrom in search of the perfect pair of blue and green sandals. Once again, Max was disappointed. This time they did have the shoes he wanted in his size, but his shoe size has graduated from 'toddler' to 'little kid' so the Keens he wants have a toggle clip. It turns out that Max hates toggle clips almost as much as he hates Woody. After his second major shoe meltdown of the day, the saintly, patient sales man finally found another sandal that Max approved of and that fit him. But it really was just one sandal. Max refused to take it off, mommy and grandma scoured the store, and finally the sales man found it in the wrong box. Max's glass slipper/sandal was located and all was right in the world.
Max had some ice cream to soothe his sandal heartbreak. Kira was eyeballing it like crazy so we gave her a little lick. She was not interested.
We found this deserted double fire truck stroller in the mall so grandma gave Max and mommy a ride. Max was generous enough to invite Grandma to sleep at his house tonight.