November 3, 2016

Not a Box

Max's homework assignment was to make something out of a plain white box (from the book, Not a Box).  Kira really wanted to sit in the chair with him and help, but she settled for the neighboring chair and decorated the book fair flyer.

Max was set on making a storm trooper, but cutting out the eyes was exhausting.  

Finished product!

Winter fashion show

November 2, 2016

Still fits, still his way

Max's favorite shirt still fits.

Mr. Helpful back at it,
Kira was so excited about drinking out of a water fountain.  

Pink Power Ranger ready to suit up

Kira said,  "I love you" at bedtime.  The best.

November 1, 2016

The ABCs of siblings

Max was so sweet helping Kira do the alphabet puzzle.  He is a tad on the bossy/take over type, but he did gently instruct her how to press the pieces in.

Hello Kira!