July 31, 2016

On the road

These two were on their best car behavior ever on the way to New York

Baseball game

"Where's Derek Jeter?!"


Number 1! (Otherwise known as killing time during a rain delay)

Serious about her ice cream, but not very neat 

July 30, 2016

All dressed up with no place to go

Max has been donning his "work clothes" since 5am (around the same time he "sweat" to much in his pjs).  Kira got gussied up to play along for an early morning outing for laundry detergent. 

Portrait of a grown man in a car seat

Two simultaneous car smiles hardy lasted the whole way home from the bagel store.  These kids hate the car. 

"Her shoes are rotten!"  Max screamed as he sniffed Kira's rancid shoe.  He is correct.

July 29, 2016

Growth spurts

Everyone has gotten taller since March!

Favorite meal

No more babies here.  Except the Hello Kitty cats everywhere. 

Peek-a-boo! "Hattie!" Kira screamed (sans the letter "t") as she reenacted their play date

Water play at summer camp 

Blood, sweat, and smiles

Kira banged her chin on the playground but she would not let the non-stop gush of blood stop her from playing.  

Her post-nap shirt also got blood stained, but she did not mind.  She loved pointing out all the familiar faces on this new poster.  "Max! Max!  Max! Daddy! Max!..." She still does not say her own name, but plenty (more than half!) of the pictures were of her.

Max has been free of his night diaper for a whole week!  He was handsomely rewarded with exactly what he begged for- "work shoes", which he thinks look mighty fine with his outfit.  His shoe collection is quickly becoming the largest in our house.  

Dinner date with his favorite kids meal book series 

Bedtime dress up

July 27, 2016

Where's Kira?

Mouse mania

Kira's other love interest

Max was looking for some super hero books at the library 

July 26, 2016

Sweet teeth

Max takes a lap around the food court for tooth pick samples and usually decides on Chinese food.  "I love orange chicken because it tastes so sweet like candy!" Max explains.

How big is Kira!?  She was closely guarded once the carousel actually started moving and she cried when it was over.

Kira took 20 minutes to eat half of a bite size piece of chocolate.  She spent the next 15 minutes cleaning it off her face.

Turns out she needed more time and more wipes.

Edible face paint 

July 25, 2016

Double smiles guaranteed

Sure fire way to guarantee a few minutes of peace and love, usually followed by splashes and screams

Max's new thing is to reenact spring and summer league basketball games that he goes to with David.  He plays a basketball game in the basement and makes his coach (daddy) talk to him after. He looks upset, but that is all part of the act.

Kira clutched to an orange skittle until it melted in her hand

First couch nap- check!

July 24, 2016

Minnie Mickey

Spider Man self-portrait 

Morning stroll

Out of the teepee a lion in a dress emerges 

Mini Mickey!
Kira is obsessed with this costume!  The second she puts it on (brings it to daddy to put on her) she becomes giddy with excitement and prances around the house showing off her outfit.  She had it on for hours today; her body was approximately 1000 degrees when she finally shed it for bath.

Max wore this costume for Halloween in 2013.  He really did love Mickey, but he hated this costume.  It is hard to remember a time when Max did not explicitly spell out what he wanted to be for Halloween, but he did enjoy the candy that night.  When Max saw this photo of himself he asked why Kira was outside and why she had a sad face.  He could not believe it was him.  

Dinner party with Max's new friends and Mickey's new audience. 


A pool pet and a superhero 

Shirts v. skins

Gender roles on point at the gym today 

Max had to earn his Air Head 

Max followed Kira around and put away everything she took off the shelf


Breakfast helper  

Washing off a sweaty day!