February 29, 2016

Adios, tonsils

Breakfast of champions!  All the clear "foods" Max could eat before 9am

Kira munched on grapes while Max was still excited about his jello-only diet

The morning commute was exhausting

"This is my tunnel mouth doctor!"

Max put strawberry Chapstick in his mask to make it smell better.

Doctor dress-up

Let's see those tonsils one more time

All done!  Despite his open eyes, Max was fast asleep in recovery.  In fact, his eye lids were taped shut during the surgery because they were so open.  The doctor said that it is not uncommon to tape kids' eyes shut during operations, but that Max's wide open eyes were a bit unusual.

Chocolate pudding for the road, and for dinner and dessert.  Max loved the wheel chair and begged to take it home.  It was actually much easier to push than the stroller, but we could not fit it in the trunk.

Max is supposed to refrain from running and jumping for two weeks.  He could not go two minutes without doing either of those things.  Here, he is protesting his orders to stop running up and down "the court".

February 28, 2016

Sunny day!

So happy that it is so nice outside!

Shorts! This weather is as moody as Max

Pizza and pjs for Max and Timmy

Bambino in a basket

February 27, 2016

PJ kind of day

The kids stayed in their pajamas most of the day, but in a cruel twist of irony, no one did much sleeping.

The faces of nap refusal 

These two are becoming more alike everyday.  From their sense of humor to their insatiable appetites and insanely early internal alarm clocks, they are two of a kind.  

Max briefly changed out of his dinosaur pajamas to play Ninja Turtles with daddy


February 26, 2016


Kira giggled the whole time she used her walker tonight.  She is so proud of herself and so are we!

Perfect time to measure Kira's height

Max had a great day at school learning about sea animals 

February 25, 2016

Night cap

Kira keeps getting bigger and Max stays the same! 

Kira took a step in the right direction (ha!) tonight, moving from furniture cruising to shopping cart cruising.  The cart is a slightly easier to move than the couch, so Kira walked all over the basement and gave her tush a little break.

Of course Max wanted to get in on the action

Morning scoot to pass the time between 6 and 7 am

February 24, 2016

Basement gym

Max played ball while Kira played in the locker room.  

Unisex locker room 

He shoots...

...he scores!

February 23, 2016

Snack attack

Max and Kira shared a little snack after school...

Followed by an attack on daddy!

February 22, 2016

Knock, knock

Who's there?!


One has a case of the Mondays and one is Kira!

February 21, 2016

Running Max

Max woke up with no voice and feeling sick, but within one hour (circa 6:45am) he was back to himself and begging for Ben to come over.

Max could not wait to get back outside this morning 

Getting taking a light stroll around the block 

Big girl table!

Max: Ben I'm FOUR!  That's bigger than you, right?
Ben: No, five is bigger!
Max: But you're not as big as your mom, right?

Kira loves watching [playing with] the big kids 

Hold on tight!

Kira would rather scoot her wet, muddy tushy than stand up

Donald AND Dasiey! (and yes, there is a diaper on that bambino)

February 20, 2016


Max was allowed to wear shorts outside today, so obviously it was the greatest day ever.  Kira has a cold but she still managed to get some standing practice in the warm weather.  

A couple of boys breaking up the remains of winter on a beautiful day

New standing record!  She tried not to show how excited she was...

Bedtime story with Cecelia