September 30, 2015

Rocket ship

"I don't want to be anything for Halloween- I just want to be an astronaut," Max stated before he forced everyone into his rocket ship (this table).

Wrap us!

Kira loves to play with little cars- she is the best little sister that a big brother could ask for.

Good morning!

September 29, 2015

Cracking up at snack

It is impossible not to have a great day when this is how it starts 

Kira was cracking herself up over this snack

Max look a like 

Giggles with Minnie

Max loves guitars and there are so many to play with at school 

September 28, 2015

Kira is 11 months old!

How is it possible that Kira will be a whole year old in one month?  
Kira must be thinking about how happy she is to only need formula for one more month...

...because once she is drinking milk, surely she will get some of Max's Skittles.

Max's larger than life personality is now pictured on the wall of the metro plaza.  His picture was selected as part of the We Make Reston photo contest.

He begged mommy to take a thousand pictures of his picture...

of course little sister was happy to comply...

Daddy was proud, too.

Kira's pretty face was high in the sky on a nearby building

Mommy was suckered into getting Max a "big boy booster seat" before his birthday because she could not pry his screaming/crying/stronger than the Hulk trantruming body into his rejected car seat one more time.  It was an early birthday present for Max and mommy.

September 27, 2015

Boys will be ballers

Max and Timmy played together basically the entire day.  Kira came along for the ride, too.

Crawl position, sans the crawl.  

Cheers to watered down Poweraid 

Hide and seek while we wait for lunch 

And back home to play, make messes, scream, fight, run, climb, and hug.  Oh, and let us not forget to say, "POOP!!!" at least 100 times.

Ready for sports with the boys!

"Call me daddy!" Max screamed with laughter while wearing daddy's dress socks.

Big kid crafts while Kira naps- first up- paper pumpkin dipping 

Apple stamping with real apples- it is a wonder that Max did not eat the painted apples

...but of course he pretended to.

September 26, 2015

Drum line

Max spent the afternoon watching a marching band competition at daddy's school.  Luckily he had his own drum at home so he was able to reenact the drum line on the way to the Multicultural Festival.

Kira loves Tessa!

Max said he wanted to sleep on the couch 

September 25, 2015


Kira cannot wait for daddy and Max to come home 

Kira was thrilled to see Max but what is on his face?  He wore goggles to school! CRAZY cakes.

Nature walk with Sadie and Tessa 

Nature run 

September 24, 2015

Caps for two

"Now we're twins!" Max exclaimed after carefully selecting baseball caps for Kira and him.

Max was in an especially loving mood this evening.  "I love Kira, mommy, daddy, Sadie, and Tessa!"  He repeated this all night, gradually adding additional family members and friends, but always keeping the same order.  He concluded the love fest by declaring, "Me and Avery are twins because I love Avery and she loves me."  Max sure loves his friends! 

Max loves grapes a bunch, too.  By the bunch.  Pun intended. 

Apparently grapes can only be eaten in very little to no clothing.  At least the boxers are an improvement on eating the bunch in the bath a few days ago.

What is going on back there?!?!

Kira drank a few sips of water and a few sips of milk from her new cup 

Max played a basketball game tonight with Joe.  Unfortuently Joe was not actually here; he is a semi-imaginary friend/teammate.  He does actually exist, he is a boy on David's team, but he was not actually at our house playing with Max.  "Cheer for Max and Joe!" Max demanded.  "Louder! Louder! Cheer while I am dribbling! Louder!"

Kira clapped and banged with genuine enthusiasm for Max and Joe.  She also played a creative version of basketball in which she dunked trains in the hoop.