November 30, 2014

Warm Sunday fun

Taking full advantage of the surprisingly warm weather.  Of course, Max was the only one at the playground not wearing some sort of jacket, but he insisted, "it's not that cold outside."

Kira on the other hand was bundled up at the playground because she was chilly.  Or at least her mommy thought so.

Max often tries to snuggle with Kira. When mommy is holding her.

Max's deer art project started with a paint brush, and ended with, "Mom, wash my hands [and face]"

Kira loves uncle

Smiling for grandma 

November 29, 2014

Serious shopper

After a long afternoon of shopping with Grandma, Aunt Arielle, and Mommy, Kira returned home in a very serious mood, with a little bit of a tummy ache, and a whole new wardrobe. 

Max loves Tammy and the crew at the the Bagel Cafe.  They were kind enough to put on the Michael Jackson station for him; he returned the favor with a hilariously entertaining Thriller dance routine.

November 28, 2014

One month old: Kira edition

Kira is one month old today, and she had quite the busy day.  She went to the Reston holiday parade, sat on Santa's lap, and watched her brother ice skate.

It is hard to believe that Kira is a month old, especially considering she was almost a month early!  Her beautiful eyes are so alert and she has the most peaceful demeanor.  During her first two weeks she slept long stretches at night, and although she wakes up more frequently now, she is very low maintenance as far as newborn go.  The past month has flown by; she is the greatest baby girl and little sister.

Max style photo shoot 

"Look, we both have a one on our shirt!" shouted big brother Max.  Good catch, Max! 

Max went ice skating with Aunt Arielle and mommy and did a great job!  He held his own along the wall of the rink, and even managed to break away a few times and balance himself on the ice.  He adamantly opposed any assistance from mommy or Aunt Arielle for the majority of the time, yet did ask to be carried for the last leg of the lap. The one, long, long, (expensive), lap.  

Annual tradition of ice skating with Aunt Arielle- 2014 and 2013.  Max was very confident last year, but things did not really pan out on the ice.  This year he made it all around the rink!

Little Kira fends for herself when Max is around.  What a great little sister!  

Max took a break from skating to bring Kira to meet Mr. and Mrs. Clause.  "I want a bicycle," he said looking straight into Santa's eyes.  Max still did not want to sit on his lap, but Kira did.

Max loves himself a good parade.  He especially loved the enormous American Flag balloon.

Kira was bundled up for her first parade, and apparently she looked quite comfy, because Max said, "That's my sister.  I want to lay on her."

November 27, 2014

Thankful times two

We have a lot to be thankful.  Kira and Max top the list.  The fact that they both slept past 7:00am this morning ranks pretty high, too.  

The photos below really are all from today, it just happens that Max changed his clothes a half dozen times (not pictured- a late-day stint in pjs).  Kira, who weighed in at half the amount of our turkey, was her usual, angel-baby, self.

Max spied these ornaments in the basement this morning.  Thanksgiving just started and he is ready to trim the Christmas tree.  The ever so generous big brother gave the baseballs to Kira and kept the basketballs for himself.  A few moments later he clocked her in the head with his microphone.  

Max loved the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade!  Especially the Thomas and Sesame Street floats.

Swimming with grandma and pa

The girls went on a brisk walk in the brisk air before dinner

Snacking with uncle and reminiscing about lunch.  Max said he had, "two halfs" of a bagel.

Who has better neck control- Kira or Max??

Someone is hungry.  Too bad dinner was not for a few more hours...

Thankful that the parade was on again- good distraction until dinner

Back to bird watching.  But a watched turkey never cooks...

Tryptophan coma via inhalation

Working off the meal by rough housing with Aunt Arielle

"I want more shaving cream"
One of Max's funniest lines to date. Clearly he has spent more time watching daddy shave, than dousing pie in whipped cream.  For now.

Goodnight, Thanksgiving 2014

November 26, 2014

Snow day

Kira had her first (big, fat, wet) snow day of the season.  

 Brooks kids always enjoy the doctor. The pediatrician wanted Kira to get checked again today; she is doing great- and up to a whopping 7.05 pounds.  

Kira goes right to sleepys.  No banana required.

Puddle jumping with apple in hand 

The Max and Pony Show nearly two years later

November 25, 2014

Cubs night out

Kira was four weeks old today;  Max took her to a basketball game to commemorate the occasion.  After his dramatic exit from the game last weekend, Max was almost banned for the season, but he made up for it tonight.  Since the game was at Oakton (aka: Daddy's gym), and the opponent was running late, Max got a lot of minutes on the court; his performance was especially impressive to the ladies in the front row. 

Mommy and her Cougar Cubs 

Out. Of. Control.

Max HAD to wear his basketball shirt to the game, so he stripped down and changed as soon as possible.  

The tiny dribbler on the left gets some serious bounce.

Kira is four weeks old today!

Bananas in bed.  Bedtime is still the roughest part of the day.

November 24, 2014

Morning 'tude

The warm morning weather was the perfect time for an outdoor Journey jam session.  Max put on a rousing performance of, "Shot through the heart".  Before 8:00am.

Kira is still pretty stuffed up so she went to the doctor today.  She had a full inspection and luckily it's just a cold, and at just under four weeks old, all we can do is suck out her buggers for her. 

Not quite...

November 23, 2014

Feeling bad never looked so good

Max has a cold, which is nothing new (and nothing that slowed him down), but unfortunately little Kira has a cold, too.  An unwelcome first.  Max (and his buggers) were hyper as ever today, and of course, while riddled with germs, he wanted to "pet" his baby and share (smoother her with) his white blankey.  Kira handled her cold (and her overzealous brother) like a champ.  Hopefully she will be over this soon; just in time for the next inevitable hand-me-down cold.

Looking good, but feeling yucky.  

An apple a day...Max said, "Dr. Kelley is my favorite boy"

November 22, 2014

The first of many

Kira went to her first Oakton basketball game this afternoon.  She was on her best, 'sit like a doll in the car seat', behavior the whole time.  Max was fairly well-behaved, considering his constant urge to rush the court, steal the ball, and play.  He managed to keep his feet off the court for 99% of the game, but spent plenty of time screaming across it.  "Daddy, daddy, daddy," he yelled, and after no response, "David, David, I have to talk to you about something!"  What did he need to talk to his daddy about?  "My shirt."  If that isn't grounds for a time-out, what is?

At the end of the game, Max was allowed to play a bit, but when it came time to leave he made no secret about his displeasure.  Thank goodness for the kindness of stangers, especially those who pushed Kira's stroller to the car, so Max's mom had both arms to wrangle his screaming, flailing body to the car.

Basketball begins!  

Two pre-game car naps + a drive-through = a coffee break for mommy

Never too old to be swaddled 

Quite the smorgasbord for dinner- meatballs, broccoli, and sushi.